Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Update time

I know, I know, I know. It has been way to long since I have posted anything on here. Just under a month actually. Not good. But now it is time for an update as to how I am doing and whats been happening.
Well to start,  thursday, 28 August, is my retirement date. This upcoming weekend will be my first weekend as a civilian in the past 9 years. I am looking forward to it but also a bit nervous. I have money saved up but at the same time, I want to keep it saved and not have to spend it. I guess time will tell what happens.
On the money note, I have an appointment with the Department of Social Security tomorrow to see if I qualify for getting disability for a while until I can get my schooling worked out and to get my VA disability up to 100%! That is going to be a huge chore in its self, but if I can get the Disabled Social Security it will help me relax a bunch and Ill be able to make sure that everything is correct.
On to the rest. I have been working on my legs a whole lot more than I was before because I don't want to be one of those guys that has a muscular upper body and little stick legs. That would be terrible!! I am able to semi-squat up to 95 pounds right now. I say semi-squat because I still need to have the bench underneath me in case I can't stand up. But I have been able to use a lower bench and a Bosu ball on top of it in order to cushion my spine. I wish the blog would allow me to post videos because I do have one. I have been making sure that my knees stay behind my toes in order to do correct form on my squats. Same thing for my dead lifts, need to make sure my knees stay behind my toes. As I said though, I am making progress. It seems to be a bit faster than normal due to the fact that I am basically  starting from scratch.
On Thursday I am going to get my custom AFO. It is supposed to be a short, articulating AFO. I am hoping that it will help me walk a bit better and even maybe help me run. I only have a few more months to complete my New Years resolution. I WILL complete it though!
I am going to try to post more but like I have said before, I don't really want to just post about what I do every day because there are too many people out there doing that. Maybe I can change it up a bit and post about hardships I face in my day. There usually isn't many but if it happens I will let everyone know!

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. ~Bruce Lee
