Thursday, September 1, 2016

So far, so good

Well, its been two weeks of school and so far its been going well. At the beginning of the semester I was signed up for three classes. I signed up for a biology lecture/lab, sociology, and food and nutrition. For all the classes, I signed up online. Through the school I am going, to the online registration is supposed to only let you sign up for the classes that you are "qualified" to take. This means that some of the classes have requirements to take before you can enroll. Well, the friday before classes started I get an email from the nutrition professor saying that I do not have the requirements to take the class. Normally, I would not be able to even enroll in the class without the requirements completed, but this time it let me. So the professor told me that I was dropped, so I went to the counselor and signed up for a statistics class, that way I am still taking three classes. Well, the tuesday after I started class I get an email from the nutrition professor saying that because the system let me sign up, that I would actually be able to take the class. So, now I am in 4 classes. Lucky for me, only the biology class is in seat. All the other classes are online so I can usually knock out all of the work in one day, and not have to wait to complete everything. I have to admit though, I am a bit worried that I am going to get overwhelmed with the work later in the semester. We will see how it all goes though. I hope that I am not going to be too busy with school to still be able to workout. The weekend I should have off because I will finish all the schoolwork by friday. Ill keep everyone updated about how its going.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~Thomas A. Edison