Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Troubles With My Legs

These damn legs of mine. They are always doing their own thing. Its starting to get annoying.

I think they might be listening, my leg just spasmed as I typed that. Uh oh! They are working so much better than anyone said, but never good enough for me.

I try so damn hard to get back to where I was before. Not having to walk with a limp, or stumble around like an idiot all the time. I want to be able to strengthen my legs where they are weak, and I want to do it now!!

I am in the gym every day working out. I work out my legs twice a week, but there are so many time issues that I need to fix. Literally thousands! That might actually be an exaggeration, but still, there are a lot.

I think the one biggest thing that I am going to start working on is my flexibility. What my coach told me, just stretch ten minutes a day, and it will get better and better. That is what I am going to start doing.

Ten minutes a day before I fall asleep, or actually, when I wake up. I will roll out of bed and start to stretch. Get those muscles warmed up for the day ahead of me.

I might be a little over ambitious, but maybe I can do both before bed and right when I wake up. I hate to do things that I am bad at, and stretching is definitely something that I am bad at. Gotta get better somehow though. I know that.

“If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Busy Saturday

Today was a busy day. Not too much on the physical side, just a lot going on in life.

I woke up and went straight to work to get my Buddhism finished for the week. I have another busy day tomorrow too. At least it's my "rest" day.

After I finished my Buddhism, it was time to eat then off to the gym. Pretty good arm workout in today. It wasn't too crowded, which always makes things a bit easier. I still have a hard time moving around the equipment I need. That alone could be my workout sometimes.

Came home from the gym and ate and had my protein shake. Then I picked up the house a little bit (there is still a lot more to do. One of these days Ill just field day the whole house... hopefully.

Once the house was some what picked up I moved outside and started to work on my lawn mower. It had sat for a while so it wasnt working. I took apart the carburetor and cleaned it all out, put it back together and boom! It started right up. Always make me feel better when I can get something working again on my own.

After the two hours of cutting the lawn (it was terribly overgrown) I came inside and showered of and had my last meal. Ran an errand and here I am. Getting myself ready to turn in for the night. Tomorrow will be full of homework, volunteering, meal prep, and hopefully getting to see my best friend! Might need to get up early to work on my homework though. boo!!

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." - Carol Burnett

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

School is stupid

So, as you know I am in school for nutrition. Something that I am passionate about and am really looking forward to learning more of. What I hate is all of this stupid general education that I will NEVER use again! These classes are the stupidest things that are only being forced on us to make us spend more money.

The second half of summer I am taking Buddhism and the history of Islam. Why the hell do I ever need to know this stuff if I am going into nutrition. Why do I care how the Quran was created when I want to help people with their workouts and eating habits?

The only reason that I am in school right now is because I have the GI bill that is paying for it. If I had to pay for it myself I would not go because I can get the same information, if not more, by doing my own learning. What I want to do is basically a trade job. I could go to a trade school to learn this stuff with minimal bills and then turn it into a successful career.

My best friend is from Austria and she was telling me that her schooling has nothing to do with general education. She has 3 degrees that took her the same amount of time that it would take to get one degree here in the states. Something need to be changed with this crap.

Okay, rant over. I hope everyone has a great week!!

“The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” – Walt Disney