Monday, June 2, 2014

Retirement is looming

First off, I have to apologize for not writing enough. I to me it feels like I shouldn't just write random things about my day. I don't want to bore people, it has to be something of substance. Maybe about any struggles I am having though out the day? We will see.
Onto the real reason for this post, my navy stuff. I am getting up early tomorrow to take care of a bunch of pre separation things that need to be done. I am hoping that I will be able to knock a lot of things out at once, but we will see. Today I officially signed the paperwork saying that I have accepted the findings that the VA and government have decided on my disability. I will tell you all about those findings in another post. I thought I had written about them but I have not yet.
Tomorrow I am going to give everyone that needs it a copy of my findings. It will be good to get things moving. Now I just need to start thinking about schooling and all that. That is also another post. Tomorrow I am also going to be doing some pre separation counseling with the navy people. I think that a lot of the things that I have to do are going to bore the hell out of me because I have been thinking about all of this for a long time and I also have a lot of people at the VA that I have already talked to about it all. If all this stuff was not mandatory I wouldn't do it. In order to get paid after I retire it has to be completed so I will do it without a doubt.
My official retirement date will be the 28th of August. I chose the latest date I could in order to make sure that all of my stuff will be completed by then. After that date, I am a free man! Ill get the summer, or what is left of it, to relax before school starts and other things begin. Normal schooling, maybe some culinary arts classes, getting my pilots license, and continuing with therapy and of course the gym every day. Its going to be busy but also a lot of fun. New experiences can't be beat. If I save up enough maybe I'll do some traveling to other countries!
Again, I will start writing more. Sorry for the delay!

Failure defeats losers but inspires winners.

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