Thursday, March 5, 2015

Almost Friday!!

Well, its almost Friday! In fact, in another hour and forty-five minutes it will be! It has been a weird week for me. I decided to give my body a little break and did not go to the gym at all. Thats not entirely true. I didn't skip my leg workouts, those I just cannot skip. I even tried to take a break on those and I couldn't. This week has felt like a total waste. I feel like my body has shriveled up to nothing, even though I know that it has not. I am hoping that the time off has given my body enough of a "recovery" that I will be able to push harder than I did before, in that I will be able to lift heavier. Saturday is my last day off then Sunday I am back at it, pushing just as hard as ever.
I have also had 4 appointments with a neuro-acupuncturist. It is acupuncture in a more specific manner. It is tailored to spinal cord injuries. The acupuncturist knows more specifics about what points control what, to help recover from any type of spinal cord injury. So far he has focused on working on my dorsiflexion, spasms, and muscle strength. Along with some other things that I don't feel like going into. Because it has only been a few sessions, it is hard to see big results, but I do see slight ones. I know that my acupuncturist says that he is seeing good results so I am hoping to see more and more as my appointments go. I have heard many good things about it and actually met someone there that has had much success with it. I am looking forward  to seeing how everything goes! I have recommended it to a few people and I am sure that it would be good for them as well.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer

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