Thursday, May 1, 2014

Oh this weather

If you are reading this and you're not in San Diego, the weather has been hot lately. With that it has been really hard to get the motivation to actually do anything. Since my accident I have had limited energy throughout the day. It has something to do with the fact that I don't sleep very well but thats another story.
It has been very hard to push myself to get out and do things. I still make it to therapy every day but anything else, is hard to do. Tuesday of this week I woke up with a head ache and was unable to go to therapy It is because my house get so hot sometimes that it makes me feel sick. Thought after I was up for a few hours I was feeling better. I had forgotten that I told my friend I would go to the gym with her until she called and told me that she was on her way there. I wanted to say I wasn't going to go because I was too tired. That wouldn't have been a lie, I was worn out from the heat of the day. Instead I reached deep down and grabbed the remaining energy I had and went to the gym. I am so glad that I did because I felt great afterwords. I had that post gym high that I was able to ride the rest of the night. I do owe it to my friend for the kick in the ass I needed to get up and do something.
What that means it just push yourself as hard as you can every day. The only way that you can get better is to push yourself past your comfort zone and work as hard as you can to do your best.

One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don't feel like doing it.

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